Saturday, November 19, 2011

In love with a married man..?

Im 16, hes 30..hes married and in love with his wife..i know he likes me but hes smart and wouldnt cheat and i dont want him to cheat either. Im in love and it sucks and i dont know how to get out of this love, because its so strong! UGHHH I thought i was in love before, but no...haha no i know what love truely is.

But then again if i had the choice to fall out of love with him i dont even know if i would...because hes just so amazing and ughhh i know i need to get over him and move on but how do you fall out of you ever?

In love with a married man..?
Do your Parents know about this man ? as you well see from all the postings above, you should cut all contact with this man. If you find this difficult, perhaps your parents can help by sending you to an Aunt or someone to stay with that lives out of the city you live in now, until you are able to trust yourself not to have any contact with this person at all or this will become a catastrophe of your young life. He is not amazing he is 30, and you are 16. In another 14 years you will be just as amazing to another 16 year old. You simply do not let yourself think about this man who belongs to someone else,

you get out of love by focusing on your grades in School by focusing on your subjects and doing your homework and binging home all A's if necessary, in order to keep your mind of someone else's husband. When the time is right there is sure to be a young man in your life that is free, and you can love without all the complexities .
Reply:Thanks and God will bless you, This too shall pass,and will be working out for your good. Keep the communications open with your Parents Report It

Reply:Honey i am 35 and when i was 15 i had a huge crush on this married's normal to respect and crush on an older guy..been there..once you get out and meet other guys these feelings will change.You may think you are head over heels but honestly if you did make out with him and him being as old as he is and having a would feel bad and men that would do this would always cheat...anyway these feelings will pass and are normal... :)
Reply:wow um yea not to b rude hopefully no wont would stalk u down nd if u guys r having a affair stop it

its illegal nd u could be messing up ur life and his . both of u could loose respect , friends nd loved ones . so thtas 1 way to fall out hehe - just kidding but it can help u stay away . plus ur young nd have ur whole life to find someone to love u ur age - just like he has done with his wife . so this is pretty harsh nd im truly sorry to say that u have to first understan which it already seems ur doing which is hella goo ! nd ya u would because u said u wldnt want him to cheat so y wouldnt he cheat w/ a girl whose young nd gorgeous ??

take some time off nad find ur self . eat all the choclate in the world nd cry let ur emotion sout . then u get to have fun nd have a girls noght out . go ahead u desrve it !!!! ;)

goodluck , nd be smart nd safe
Reply:For one...your SIXTEEN and that is illegal. He could be put in jail for being with you.

If he is happily married LEAVE HIM ALONE!

Move on and find someone your own age.
Reply:Back away slowly from the married man........correction, back away from the married man who is twice your age!!!!!

The only thing that will make you fall out of "love" with him is time.......don't put yourself in situations where you are with him, stop talking to him as much as possible.....if you keep pining for this man, you will only hurt yourself more, and if you keep pursuing him, he may just waver and decide to cheat...and you've just opened up a huge Pandora's box, and I don't think you are ready to deal with the aftermath...
Reply:Your only 16 ....

I'm sure that is a cheat feelings!!!

get out of this state!!!
Reply:Do NOT like this man.

First off, you are underage. It's illegal.

Secondly, you'd be known as the home wrecker.

Just, don't.
Reply:Honey you aren't in love. First off he is way to old for you. Plus you wouldn't want to be responsible for messing up his marriage would you? You need to find someone your own age.
Reply:You're not in love. You're a hormonal teenager who thinks too much about the wrong thing.

Love isn't about mooning over a married man.
Reply:You are 16, you have nothing more than a little crush and you have no clue what love is. He is married and you need to be at least 18 to date and NEVER be so pathetic as to date a married man...He will never leave his wife for you and you will never be his wife in the long run...You'll just be the ho he passes time with when he can't be with the one he loves. Forget about him and stay away from him. You are a CHILD and he is an adult...Get a grip and keep your legs closed! Crush on someone your own age.
Reply:Your not in love. Granted you might think you are, but it's actually the fact wanting something you can't have. your a kid with a lot of hormores running a muck. ughhhhhh proves it. Your man will come along someday in the meantime stop dwelling on someone elses.
Reply:fall back. You'll be in way over your head if u bother.
Reply:you need to go somewhere that has alot of guys n talk to 'em
Reply:Honey, get over it. He is married and way to old!!!
Reply:start making out wid him, u'l be fine after some time.
Reply:He's married and your 16 that's enough reasons to fall out of love with him don't ya think?
Reply:its not love, its lust. lust is very powerful and can feel like love. but your very young and hormonal. dont ruin a perfect marriage and be a home wrecker
Reply:you need a wake -up call you said your in love with a married man then you say your in love with his wife. then you think he may not cheat. your 16 you don't know what love is. if you've had sex with him then this is called rape. he is cheating if you had sex with him while he is married to a woman. think he wont do that to you after a couple of kids. married woman lose there figure after having kids. younger girls are easy to train keep at home while the man is of age he can go to any bar out with the boys. while the girl stays home to babysit the kids. go ahead live in a dream world destroy your whole future for a married man. tie yourself down with kids. you don't know love. a real man wouldn't look at another woman nor cheat...................................... boys your own age honey this man isn't a man he is a player, cheater, liar. most of all he is acting like a boy.
Reply:No 30 year old man is really in love with a kid...and that's what you are.

He might be a perv and like the idea of sex with a under age girl, or he might not be that educated and sophisticated, therefore he's not that mature and relates to a kid your age.

Do you live in the same trailer park?
Reply:Find a new guy.. I'm sure it's not love... maybe lust... how'd you get involved with a 30 year old? If he's happily married he isn't interested... good luck
Reply:I've been there. Not that i was as young as you (I was 21) and the guy was 12 years older. What i felt was love - i thought then. But love is only real love when it is 100% reciprocated - that's when you know what love really is. My advice would be to not be as silly as I was. I put all my energy into this guy and it was a waste of time. I could have been giving and getting a lot more from someone else. You have to be strong and true to yourself. You can't force yourself to stop caring about someone but you can be stern with yourself and try to move on. It's not easy but ultimately one of you has to put a stop to this. I knew there was no future so I had to make the decision to stop feeling the way i did. It's not easy at all but it is possible. Good luck.
Reply:you have to forget him don't think about him stay away from him and you will eventually fall out of love with him and you will find someone else
Reply:Wait. Your seeing something in him. but it isn't love. Start looking at guys more your age. And see how it goes.
Reply:Fixate one someone else. Try to avoid seeing this other man. If your thought stay away from him, this "love" feeling will go away eventually.

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