Saturday, November 19, 2011

LOVE POEM..... is it good????

I cant get enough of you

Hearing your voice makes my day

Not hearing you will make my day blue

I promise you that I will always stay

Im stuck to you like if you were glue

Ill stay by us side even if I had to pay

You got no clue

You got no clue how much I love you

Im like a stray without you

So now I will pray

Today and everyday

So that everything will always be okay

Cuz you make my life complete

I dont even want to keep my love discrete

you are the reason I can stand on my 2 feet

without you my hearth wont even have a beat

Your love is so sweet

It almost feels like a treat

Now let me wrap you in my sheets

To protect you those mean streets

you are mine

I dont even need a receipt

Cuz I will never give you back

But I will always have ur back

And that is a fact

I am not trying to act

My love for you is so much it has to be stacked

My love is so strong it can never be cracked

Not even if there was a big impact

My love will always still be intact

LOVE POEM..... is it good????
ok iam going to just give a bit of feed back when it comes to writting poem its not something u do right off the bat most people they will tell u that a poem randomly comes and goes it could take up to a month just to write one poem

i can tell u sat there in one sitting iam not saying its bad i am just saying allow ur feeling and emotions to write it not ur mind

ur mind will only give u a certain extent for example did u find ur self sitting trying to find words to rhyme with with word like pure ramdom examle u say act u then u kinda go threw the alphabet by going hmm act mact no tact no shack no fact ohh there one it works but doenst bring out the best honestly allow every part of u to bring out the best it may take a day a week a month or a year but when it comes to poetry it is never predictable

it was a good poem it had strong and weak points

just work on

and all poems dont have to rhyme
Reply:Your love poem sounds very interesting. While I was reading

it, it sounded more like a rap song. It sounded really good to

rap to. Congradulations!!!!!!!!!
Reply:its kinda cheesyt.
Reply:it is a bit rhymy and a bit too long

overall i give it a B-
Reply:there's something wrong......... grammar?

it's like a narrative type........ it lacks some poetic phrases......

because...... i can't feel anything at all... while reading it....
Reply:you are trying to hard. relax %26amp; look it over. make a few changes. sorry:(
Reply:Keep practicing. I think you could do better.
Reply:YES!!! I like it. Just to let you know... poems don't have to rhyme.
Reply:it was ok but it didnt standout to me i couldnt feel you emotion cause i was stuck on your choice of words i think u need to dig just a lil deeper...but overrall good and keep trying♥
Reply:From the bottom of ur heart baby... u did good..

Like it cuz u r uneat about ur fellings.
Reply:Your love poem is o.k it's kind of boring and long but if I made one it won't be as good
Reply:If this is how you feel, this is how you feel! But I think you tried too hard to rhyme %26amp; lost your real feelings in the effort it took to find words that rhyme! You should search deeper %26amp; think about what your most intimate feelings are, then write. There are different types of poetry...every single line, doesn't have to rhyme, so just take a little time, And I bet you'll be just fine!
Reply:its okay...the part at the end about being intact is a little cheesy though.
Reply:It's your poem, your expression, and your creation.

How did your poem make you feel?

Perhaps you could read it for your writing group. See what they think.

Lila Griffin
Reply:Depending on your age
Reply:well.....its not bad

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