Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is love?

I'm really confused as to what real love is (in the romantic sense). I've grown up in generation that was over exposed to the disney definition of love, i.e. trading your voice to a sea witch and selling out your family for a pair of legs and a chance at love with a complete stranger was a pretty good deal. There is that crazy head over heals love that's in books, songs, and movies. But in watching people I know personally it seems when they get married its more like they go through a period of really shallow infatuation and then marry and it mellows out into a companionship, friendship and fondness. Is that all that love really is? Because I always dreamt of that happily ever after, magic, passionate after 50 years of marriage, I couldn't live with out you sort of love. It seems like no adays love has been replaced with lust. What is love in real life?

What is love?
love is a soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another
Reply:love is dumping your load in a girls mouth then making out with her directly after
Reply:what????????????? it exists???? o.m.g....any one can say i love u because its just a word.i never felt love only regrets from my "loved" friend. even in a marriage how can u say to someone i love and than go with another man or women
Reply:it's that brown smushy stuff


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