Sunday, August 22, 2010


The girl im in love with(who loves me too)..we just broke up 2 weeks ago.But we hang out everyday.and were titled as'best friends'. This other chick,who was the first girl she's ever liked,and whom she still loves, just got a girlfriend.and last night at the football game she couldn't stop staring at the girl and her gf.She was getting jelous.and mad. I tried to stop her from looking in her direction, but she wouldn't.

and it hurt to see the girl im in love with, get jelous over another chick..i know this may all sound confusing...but i just dont understand what im doing wrong.All the girls she likes, and who told her they loved her..all dissapeared and moved on.. and they said very mean things about her, but she still wants them.And me..I haven't moved on..and I havent gotten a new gf.I still am trying to get her to give me a second chance.I think im the only one that truely does love her. and the only one that truely does care.And I don't see why she wont give me another chance.

The great comedy of love is that no matter how good we make ourselves to be at it, we can't make the person we're in it with feel or do the same.

So, in that case, we can only do the best we can and hope that eventually - once hearts are captured, broken, and mended - we find someone who cares enough to provide us the same we provide them.

But then, you knew that, didn't you? Your question was really just an expression of frustration to the Interwebs at the stituation. :)

Good luck to you!
Reply:your availability and dedication doesn't mean that you two are destined to be together. sometimes we're drawn to the chase i guess
Reply:OK first of you don't have a problem she does she needs counseling she obviously only wants to be with those she cant have are not a counselor get her to see one... IF SHE DOESN'T WANT HELP THEN LEAVE HER TO HER OWN her you may but love thine self to love another day......
Reply:Get help
Reply:Try not to make yourself so available.....Give her some time alone and hopefully she'll miss u and want u back. If she doesnt want u back, move on and find someone that will care about u as much as u care about them....Good Luck
Reply:you can do 1 of 2 things...

1) be her good friend and love and support her decisions, which means accepting the fact that you might not be the one for her.

2) if you cant honestly do should move on.


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