Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why the hypocrite pastors misinterpret LOVE????

Because they are unholy filthyy Jews in disguise--who wants to destroy God's Holy Church from within. They misinterpret LOVE to save the evil homoperverts and filthyy ******* and infidels. NO--Love is not so easy and cheap. Jesus showed his LOVE--when he annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah. He showed Love--when he flooded the Whole Earth. He showed Love--when he told us to love our ENEMIES like OURSELVES. He Showed Love when he told us to Hate our fathers and mothers. He showed Love when he told us about the GNASHING OF TEETHS. So, LOVE IS NOT SO EASY. LOVE IS GENERATED BY A LOT OF SACRIFICE AND TORMENT AND FIGHT. We TORMENT OUR ENEMIES BECAUSE WE TORMENT OURSELVES.WE FIGHT OUR ENEMIES BECAUSE WE FIGHT OURSELVES FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. WE JUDGE BECOZ WE JUDGE OURSELVES. WE HATE AND KILL ONLY FOR GOD'S SAKE--AND THIS IS TRUE LOVE--WHEN YOU ARE ABLE TO HATE YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER AND EVEN YOURSELF For Christ's sake. LET US JOIN THE HOLY WAR!!!!!!

Why the hypocrite pastors misinterpret LOVE????
You are not showing any love in your question. People are sinners. It's that simple. Not all pastors are hypocrites. Not all Jews are unholy and filthy. All people are human and falter. Putting God first, accepting Jesus as Your Savior is the only way to truly be loved, show love and accept love. God has given people the right to choose the way they live. We as Christians can only spread The Truth and pray others will see the light. That is how we fight a holy war. Judgment comes from God alone.
Reply:I understand. You're about to receive a lot of s##t for that one. I can't wait to read them. You're kinda scary. I like that.
Reply:Friend, you seem a tad off-balance....
Reply:I see that you are filled with disgust %26amp; hatred, just the way Jesus preaches we should be in the Holy Bible...

No, wait, that's not right....

Reply:filthy jews, huh? You're obviously in some pseudo-christian cult. Try to get out before they completely brainwash you. Re-read the parable of the good ("filthy") samaritan, that will help you understand what Christ expects in terms of love for others.
Reply:My friend we are not to torment anyone we are to love them, we are not to hate are parents(not in a way that is dishonorable, we are to be able to choose God over them, that is what our Lord ment not to hate them, He used such language only to get the point accross) we are to honor them, we do not fight against other people but agianst Satan.
Reply:Wow easy before you have a heart attack.

You state some valid points. Love first and foremost is a decision of the will. You will the highest and best thing for the sake of the beloved and that would be Heaven.
Reply:I'm going to throw piranhas at your face.
Reply:You sound more angry than loving. And a little confused about the subject of love. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth; bears all things, believes all things, hope all things, endures all things. Love never fails. We are not to hate anyone or kill anyone and call it love. We are to pray for our enemies so we CAN love them. You have obviously twisted the truth in order to justify your hatred.


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