Now, this question is for the people (mainly Christians) out there who believe we should love everyone in the whole world. (So do not take personal offense here if it doesn't apply to you. I realize not all Christians believe this.)
No, love is not a bad thing. Love is not harmful. But the concept of loving everyone, I think is unnatural and unhealthy. We are denied our natural emotions of hatred and anger -- emotions which are often very justified -- and told that we must love everyone equally. We are to love Hitler the same as we love our children; to love Charles Manson just as we love our parents. This is not natural at all in my view. Some people are more special to us than others: our families are precious to us in a way that our political leaders never will be. Why should we be forced to "dilute" our feelings so that the child molester down the street is as beloved to us as our child himself?
What exactly is love, when it is nothing special?
I think to say "love everyone" diminishes the true meaning of love. It makes it somehow lesser. We are human beings, to deny our other emotions is to deny who we are at a fundamental level. Not to mention, its lying to yourself to say that you do love everyone.
A human being does not love everyone. They may care for them, sympathize with them, attempt to understand them, be fascinated by them, but they do not love them. If they say they do, they do not understand the true meaning of love.
Love is a very powerful emotion and one that we feel for few people in the world. Its very disturbing when some claim to love everyone because we all know that isn't possible. If you love everyone then you must not truly love anyone.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. We should not diminish the meaning of the word love by claiming to love everyone. True love is not small. True love is powerful and all encompassing. True love is inspiring. True love gives strength to the weakest person. But to say you love everyone is a lie. It isn't human to love everyone.
Reply:You're welcome. :) Report It
Reply:I wouldn't say that loving everyone means that everyone has to be beloved of you. There are many kinds of love: the kinds you feel for you children, your parents, or your spouse/partner are all very different. Then there is the kind of love you feel for siblings, friends, and that general "I love humanity" love. Again, all different.
I agree with you - denying are emotions is bad and harmful. But the kind of love Jesus called us to isn't an emotion - it's an attitude towards people that is based on respect. When that respect is betrayed on the other end (murder, child abuse, etc. etc. etc.), we still respect their basic humanity and whatnot and don't treat them as an animal, but we have the right (if not responsibility) to expect the other person to be accountible for their actions and deal with the consequences.
A perfect example - my cousin was attacked in her own home when she was 7 months pregnant. The man raped her and took a knife to her. (This was years ago, btw, she's alive and well.) I cannot trust this man, nor do I like him or condone his actions. But I will not say he has no right to food or whatever. Loving him, in this case, is not going after him with sharp objects.
Reply:I can only assume that the christian application of 'Love" is something on the order of "affirmation and respect is due to all but we'll name it 'love' for convenience sake" .... and yes, I agree with you that this practice waters down the value of the "currency." It perhaps is a part of the reason that we are smiled to by one face and back-stabbed by the other when dealing with some individuals of faith.
Interesting question. Thanks.
[][][] r u randy? [][][]
Reply:when you are told to love everyone love loses its meaning, when you say "I love you" to everyone - love stops being that sacred, most wonderful feeling
love is something special preserved only for those who have a special place in your heart
Reply:I totally agree with the excess currency analogy
Reply:To me it's altruism. It's discernment, common sense and altruism.
Reply:The last people who should preach about love is fundie Christians.
There is, of course, different kinds of love. We all know that. I love my son and my best friend in different ways.
I even love a few people on here, Buttercup, Epona, Seimethyr, and Squirrel, to name a few and I have never met them. Like you and AZ. That love is easy and uncomplicated.
The only love that I feel both disdain and desire for is romantic love. I have my reasons as we all do.
I love my fellow man in that I feel compassion and empathy.
I do not love Hitler, Manson, Bush, bigots, or anyone who can hurt someone else for their own gain.
Reply:I think mainly it meant as be respectful toward them. If you show hate, its not showing the love of God.
Reply:Love is a Verb and you can love everyone, but not equally. You will love your children more than you will love Charles Manson. But you can still have love in your heart for Charles Manson as I understand that he is in his own mental pit, the man is sick and needs help through life. Just as we all do. But, yes my love varies depending on who it is. It varies on type, on how much, on when, on why, on many reasons and it comes in many forms. I was taught that you should not Hate anyone, as that means you wish them to die. I wish no one to die. I just think some people need more help through life than others. I would call this help a form of Love.
Reply:You are right- as usual LOL-- I sometimes find myself tellin folks "luv ya" and most times I am rather fond of them in some way
And it is IMPOSSIBLE to love everyone. There are about 2 people in the world that I DESPISE. Yeah that makes me feel all ugly saying so but it is true.
How can I feel any positive emotion to someone who harms an innocent child??? To be honest I can't. That was another notion that I was glad to give up when I left religion. That it was ok not to fake love for folks who did not deserve it.
Gosh I am ever in a negative mood tonight I need to chill oout--lol
Reply:This is a wonderful question and I agree with you on most of your points. BUT, I think that wehn people say that you should "love" the entire world it is not being used with it's actual meaning. I think that when we say "love everyone" it is more along the lines of the golden rule. Treat people as you treat yourself, and seeing as most people generally "love" themselves then that would make abit more sense.
I think it just comes down to the fact that most people use the word love too freely and seem to forget what it is supposed to truly represent. Instead of saying "love the world" I think a more accurate saying would be "respect the world".
Reply:You're so right, and what an awesome question!
Love means nothing when it's made into some general feeling or emotion. Every emotion that is combined with the word "everybody" becomes rather silly.
I love everybody
I like everybody
I hate everybody
I despise everybody
I fancy everybody
etc, etc.
Every one of those sentences insults "everybody" and even more: it insults the particular emotion.
Reply:I like your question.
I can't "love everybody". There's six billion plus change, i'd never get a chance to love half of them.
God can love them through me, my friends and the rest of his people. Because I only have to love 6 pagans to cover my part; IF every other believer would do their part.
It's more important to have an attitude of LOVE, which may not be what you understand it to be.
So, if I walk in Love as a lifestyle, I'm doing my part. God can handle the rest.
Reply:It is completely impossible to love everyone on Earth unconditionally anyone who says they do is a liar. Its a nice thought but nothing more.
Reply:I'll keep it short and simple. Love, like anything else, when used indescriminately loses its meaning and power. No matter how much we may think we can, it is not possible to lvoe everyone, and there are some people and, on an individual basis we should not love. Not that the people them selves should not be loved, just that there are some people that should not love them, and in truth it would be harmful to force someone to love someone that they shouldn't regardless of why.
Reply:All we can do is "try" to love thy neighbor as thy self , it is not a requirement to get into heaven. To love some one else is really to our benefit , because hating and the like will just eat us away inside, and we will become exactcly like the ones we are trying to love (Example- Charles Manson, Jeffery Dahmer, Hitler) Get it
Reply:I have been guilty of telling everyone I love them....
and in a way I do Loka ... I honestly and genuinely do
I find it hard to explain
but I see the good , even through the bad
I try to see the person inside and not the acts done on the outside
and yes i do struggle with the .... how can I love people I dont know or how can i love people who have done terrible things
I honestly dont know
and havent met these people personally to know how I would feel in their presence
so I couldn't say if I would be as loving as i claim
but in general ... i do love
just trying to be honest or I would be a hypocrite
Reply:Perhaps.... you and Many Others..... CONFUSE..... "LOVE" - and - "lust? ? ?
Because...... "EVERY SONG IS A SERMON......!" My favorite Original Saying!
YOUR.... mind and the minds of MANY OTHERS..... have been ..... Pre=Program.... to interpet.... LOVE... described in .....The Many Songs.... about Love!
GOD..... IS..... LOVE!
(1John 4:7-TO-11) Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves has been born of God, and knows God.
(1Jo 4:8) The one who does not love has not known God. For God is love.
(1Jo 4:9) In this the love of God was revealed in us, because God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him.
(1Jo 4:10) In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation concerning our sins.
(1Jo 4:11) Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
(John 14:23-TO-27) Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
(Joh 14:24) He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
(Joh 14:25) These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
(Joh 14:26) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
(Joh 14:27) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Thanks, RR
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